healing energy and its science
"Feet on the earth, head in the stars”. A dichotomy (complement) I identify with, deeply.
I’m practical. I like order. I’m a rule follower. I tend to colour between the lines. In yoga teacher trainings, I lean towards the explainable and the scientific. Consider me tickle pink when things like the grounding effect of your bare feet in the earth, or how the vibration of a sigh/hum can affect the nervous system, or how full moons and tides affect us, could be explained by science.
Though as I’ve discerned what is “true” and “real” vs what doesn’t over the years, I’ve changed also. The unexplainable, the ways of the multiverse, speak to me. In re-igniting my Reiki practice recently, both on myself, and to others; when I play my crystal bowls; when I do a full moon ritual; when I create sequences based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian pathways… I could look up scientific studies to see what there is to learn about their connection, but I don’t these days. What I feel, I believe. What I discern, can always prove me wrong. I’m going with my instincts more and more. It lands my in trust with myself, and the openmindedness allows me to learn new things in a different way.
And in turn, I explain the why, or the how, in a different way. As I prepare for tonight’s special sostice-Cancer-season-full-moon-yin-reiki-soundbath class, it’s my first time since the pandemic that I’m bringing Reiki back in person, and to a group. In my prep, I’ve decided that my explanation for the Universal, the Energy Healing, and Source will be very limited. Not because I don’t think there’s a lot to say on it, but because I want to allow others to go with their instincts. Land in trust with themselves. And from there, discern and believe, accordingly.