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Nervous System Reset

When many of us turned 16, we were excited to get our drivers license and experience the independence and freedom that came with that. But our parents didn’t just hand us the keys to the car and say “here you go.” We were taught how to operate this heavy, potentially dangerous, piece of machinery. 

Unfortunately, not many of us were taught how to operate the machinery of our own physiology, so it seems that we are at the whim of our moods and stress. Our nervous systems can impact nearly every aspect of our lives- our sleep, our moods, how efficiently we think, our relationships, our digestion, etc. This workshop will provide you with an instruction manual of your nervous system. When you walk away, we want you to be able to understand the language of your nervous system, how to eat to keep your nervous system happy, and some tangible tools and skills to help regulate your nervous system. 

Offered with Dr. Alexia Holovatyk and Sammie Mancine, in collaboration with the Self Healing Toolkit.

Register HERE.

April 14

Yoga for Runners - free class

May 1

May schedule