yoga poses for better zzz’s

Sleep like a (happy) baby with these yoga poses

I know these lists are cliché, but honestly, I feel like I have a rocking morning routine and then at night I’m going going going right until I get horizontal and wonder why I can’t sleep well through the night, or have weird dreams, or wake up with stuff on my mind. So I am challenging myself to create a separation from my day by unwinding with 5-7 short and sweet minutes of yoga before bed, and am offering them to you as well! Put your phone away, do this and then tuck yourself into bed.

Each of these can be held for 10 + deep breaths, which will also help you meditate on your day and start to quiet down the mind.

Forward fold (seated) (Pashchimottanasana) 

From a seated position, extend your legs out in front of you. Lift your arms up to lengthen your low back and spine and fold forward over your legs, letting the upper spine and head round forward. Bonus comfort points if you place a few pillows or cushions under your chest to support the fold. 

If you prefer this pose from a standing position, that is a great option. Stand up slowly if you do this one for a longer period of time.

Supine Cobblers Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana) 

Lying on your back, bring the soles of your feet together, knees out to the side, making a diamond shape with your legs. You can support the outer thighs with blocks or pillows. Play around with arm placements that feel good on any particular day - you can place your hands on your inner thighs for more of a thigh stretch, you can place your hands over your heart and belly to focus on your breath, or you can extend your arms overhead with a bend to your elbows to get shoulder and chest opening. To come out of the pose, help your outer thighs closer together and hug your knees into your chest.

This pose can be extra juicy with blocks supporting your head and shoulder blades (supported fish). 10/10 would recommend.

Supine twist (Supta Matsyendrasana) 

Lying on your back, bring your right knee into your chest and take your knee to the left while opening your right arm out to the right. You want to get as supported as possible here, so placing a pillow or block under your right knee and/or under your right forearm might feel good. Keep you belly soft and let gravity work with you.  Repeat on the other side.

Legs up the wall (Viparita Karani)

Move your hips as close as you can to a wall and then swing your legs up the wall while you lie your upper body down. If you have really tight hamstrings, then you can move your hips further away from the wall. The name of the pose is pretty self explanatory. Let yourself chill here!

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

A more accessible version of child’s pose, is a wide legged variation. Bring your knees to hip width or more apart, big toes together and let your hips sink back. Arms can stay overhead with a generous bend to your elbows so that your forehead and arms can be heavy on the mat, while your belly and ribs rest on your inner thighs. If you have tight hips, then it might feel nice to place a cushion between your sitting bones and heels, and another one (or two) under your forehead.


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