superpower or curse - the empath’s dilemma

I hear it said to me, and I’ll admit I’ve said it to others. “You’re such an empath”… and the tone? Almost as if it is a bad thing. In my experience, being an empath comes with a lot of positives - especially when you become aware of the boundaries you need to set and of what you need to keep yourself balanced and grounded. But if you find yourself often overwhelmed by energy that you pick up from those around you or that your empathic nature makes it more difficult to navigate difficult emotions (hi, it’s me…), the following few tricks are here to help you center yourself and focus on your needs.

1) Start the day with a protective shield or armor visualization that allows you to create a protection around toxic energy while still allowing you to lead with heart and compassion. You can call on this visualization at any time you need it to help block out emotions and energy that are not your own and draining you.

2) Set your own energetic grounding ritual at home - I start my day with a simple chant and burning something, I’ll either play mantras or a meditation and have even put on noise canceling headphones with nothing playing to cut out any background noise. In a little nook that I’ve created in my house that has grounding elements (think plants, crystals, essential oils), I do whatever centers me for the day - you could journal, move your body, or drink your coffee in peace/quiet. At night, claim that space for yourself when you arrive at home to give your mind/body/spirit a reset and emotional separation from what the day brought in.

3) Listening to the RA MA DA SA meditation mantra, a healing energy Kundalini chant for emotional and physical healing, has been a game changer for me. If vibration is something that feels good for you, try chanting along.

4) Feel your feet on/in the earth… as literally as you can. Stand barefoot in a field or a park, dig your toes in the sand, swish around ankle deep in the ocean. This practice relies on grounding physics and electrical charges from the earth to have positive effects on your body and ground you. I have started doing this a lot more since having Sebi, so that he can follow suit and feel this grounding as I do.

Hoping these help you start rituals around how to protect your energy and the valuable currency that it is, without feeling like you need to close yourself off.


what’s your why


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