practical magic

I love the term practical magic. It’s what I’ve heard/read Brooklyn-based intuitive (@rubyintuitionbk) Lisa Rosman speak of a lot, and it resonates with my Pisces sun, Virgo rising self so much.

And those of you who know me as entrepreneur, or runner, or Crossfitter, may be like “oh, I did not know this woowoo side of Alice”, and I love that you and be both and, not one or the other, when it comes to having your feet in the ground and your head in the stars. And that’s very much how I like to see the world and experience it.

To me those things combined allow me to dive into my own practical magic. Leaning into my intuition, and connection to what is bigger in the realm of possible once we move out of doubt and fear. And as someone who also knows her noggin is a puzzle-piecing, analyzing, discerning, and sharp tool, having that balance allows me to follow reasoning and logic when it' is called for and also staying tapped in to my knowing and my body’s knowing and follow those sensations through and through.

Ok, so that might sound pretty esoteric, and in the world we live in it can be very easy to get caught up in the practical side of things and lose the magic, even in the ordinary. Here are some ways I practice keeping that balance.

Intuition over logic

When is the last time you put the phone away, put the pros and cons list aside, and sat. In quiet. And witnessed how your body feels? Body scans can tell you a lot about a situation or a person. Getting really present and embodied allows us to get to the underlying sensations and whispers of the subtle body.

Nature over desks

Getting to nature, and ditching the technology, can bring us so much clarity and tune us in. Nature expands our view points, supports our nervous system, and our mental health. In Japanese culture, ‘shinrin yoku’ refers to immersing yourself in nature - letting its sights, sounds and smells wash over you. 11/10 recommend this as much as you can and watch your creativity and inspiration spike.

Journaling over scrolling

Get a journal and do whatever sparks your creativity - doodle, draw, write - and watch you unlock another part of your brain and self. Imagery and visualisation can be unlocked by leaning into different ways to be creative and opening up new ‘senses’.


ordinary magic


to find and keep my peace…