what’s your why

Dedication > motivation

What motivated me to start my health journey on October 24, 2004 was important. It was the push that I needed. It was quite literally the life changing “a-ha” moment that pushed me on a different path. And here we are 20 years later, and motivation alone is not what got me here. Motivation is not going to win over life life-ing, or mental fatigue. Bottom line, it not what is going to keep us moving forward towards the long term changes we’re looking to make. 

What gives us a better chance to keep moving the needle towards those long term changes we’re seeking is dedication. What I mean by this is looking at the why behind what you’re looking to shift. And I’m talking the deep down whys. The bigger than surface level whys. As we dig away at the deepest, most core reason(s) for us engaging in whatever changes/intentions/goals we’re chasing, the more we get to the “North Star” of what is going to keep us going towards our goal.

Once we know our why, it gives us a much more powerful way forward because it guides our choices. Does making this decision get me closer or further away from my why? This is a question that I try to keep in mind as much as possible, while also remembering that I’m human, and life is lifing, and that it’s not going to be a perfect path forward (nor would that be a realistic expectation). So when things do get off track, a strong why, a bigger than you why, helps you get back on the road and moving forward. 

My suggestion for diving into your whys is to sit down to meditate, clear the space of your mind and start to visualize what life could look like with this intention of yours fulfilled or in motion (meaning, there doesn’t have to be an ‘end result’). Feel it, see it, hear it, smell it. Examine how you feel in your belly, your heart and your throat areas in this life. What is it about these feelings that is important to you? What is the deeper connection that makes you want to reach them? Journal on this and create your own compass in North Star’ing your way back towards your goals.


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