underdog energy
I posted yesterday about the times in my life I’ve been doubted/overlooked, and where I’ve actually moved INTO the underdog energy in order to take the Impossible and make it “I’m Possible”. To sort of see the mountain ahead, and believe that I can reach the top, even with odds stacked against me, has become one of my life mantras.
Yet, as I’m writing this, I am… literally RIGHT THIS MOMENT years old, realizing that there is a correlation with me being an empath and my identity and draw to underdog energy. Hear me out…
I always thought that me being a (self-defined) underdog stemmed from different aspects of my life growing up. A feeling of otherness yet never enoughness in my ethnicity and my cultural differences growing up, not being what society views as the prototype, feeling a sense of having less than the baseline for x, y, and z (which is odd for me to acknowledge in writing, when I truly have such deep gratitude for all I’ve had in my life) and (purposely) engaging in things that I had to really work hard at to master, things that did not, and still do not, come naturally to me. As I write this, I’m also so deeply aware of my privilege in many areas of life and I realize that due to this, I have a sense of responsibility in helping and giving back.
The link to an empath being drawn to an underdog *mind blown* explains why it has attracted some of the most humble, integrity filled, lean-int- it-and-do-the-hard-work people into my life. I suppose my hypothesis is that when an empath is drawn to someone in need, someone wanting to be seen/heard, someone who might have odds stacked against them, it is because they can literally feel their emotions.
“Imagine a moth to a flame where the empath is the flame. Except in this case the flame doesn’t want the moth to fly into it and destroy itself. The empath has a desire to warm the moth and build them up until he can fly away empowered. Its a natural magnetism between the empath and the underdog.”
Finding this online was such a “aha” moment. It might also explain why I love Snape so much. IYKYK.
So I suppose I’m sharing this with you to encourage you to move into the seemingly impossible odds. To notice where you might be expected to lose (including my yourself). And then find the ways to emerge victorious. Fly into the flame my friends.